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Viktor E. Frankl

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our responses lies our growth and our freedom."

Frequently Asked Questions


To schedule an appointment, simply fill in the contact form below or email or call 07305 934 888 to book sessions in advance. Once an appointment has been set to begin your work, you will be sent a confirmation and details about sessions, fees, payment methods and cancellation policy.


What happens if I can't make a session?

Sessions booked are time slots specially allocated to you.  It is not always possible for this time slot to be allocated to someone else at short notice.  If you are not able to make a session as planned, please give more than two days notice to avoid being charged for the session.


Cancellation Policy.

If you cancel an appointment and give more than 48 hours notice, there is no cancellation charge.

If you cancel an appointment and give less than 48 hours notice, the full session fee is charged unless the session can be arranged for the a different time during the same week.


  • How long will it take for you to answer my enquiry?

A response to your enquiry will be made as soon as possible usually within 24 hours.

  • Can I discuss my enquiry with you?

If you would like to discuss your enquiry, a free 10 minute conversation as a pre-assessment session can be arranged to discuss how we can work together. Just email your request to or fill in a contact form below.

  • How often are sessions?

Sessions are usually arranged weekly, the number of sessions can be discussed and booked in advance to do the work you need.

  • When can sessions start?

Depending on availability, sessions may begin straight away or there may be a short waiting time.  Please state your requirements in your enquiry and we can discuss start dates.

  • How long does each session last?

Each Counselling, Psychotherapy or Therapeutic Coaching session lasts for 50mins.  Single Sessions can last between 50 and 75mins depending your booking.

  • How may sessions do I need for counselling?

For counselling, sessions usually vary between 10-20 sessions over the course of a few months.  Extensions are possible depending on the work and availability.  Brief counselling can vary from 6 to 10 sessions depending on what you want to focus on.  As we begin to do the work you may have more certainty of the number of sessions you may or may not need. 

  • How many sessions do I need for psychotherapy?

For psychotherapy the work is longer term than counselling and sessions run weekly recurring at the same set time over a longer period of time that is often over the period of a year or beyond.  

  • Do you offer a single session?

Yes. A single session can be helpful to discuss what you need from therapy and it can be therapeutic.  It is useful as a taster to see what counselling is like, what to expect and see if working together is a good fit.  A single session can provide instant support and allows you a dedicated space to focus on something specific before booking further sessions. Sessions runs for 50 minutes each and can be booked in advance. Please email for more information or availability of online or face to face work.

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